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Wiadomości - Samsonhus

Strony: [1]
Nasze tereny / Odp: Please introduce me.
« dnia: Sierpień 21, 2018, 09:27:00 »
I find the right thing, it is very useful indeed.

Nasze tereny / Odp: Looking for new friends
« dnia: Sierpień 21, 2018, 09:26:47 »
I would like to have it all at once, but I do not know if it's true.

Nasze postacie / Odp: Nice to meet everyone.
« dnia: Sierpień 21, 2018, 09:26:37 »
I believe that everyone must agree.

Nasze postacie / Odp: Who can give me advice?
« dnia: Sierpień 21, 2018, 09:26:16 »
I do not think so, but to make it better.

Strony: [1]
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